Hello World, welcome to my site: jybjones.com. I have a background in entertainment and media with a focus in Business Development. Having recently completed my MBA in Design Strategy, I discovered a passion and need to continue to grow as an interdisciplinary facilitator and communicator at the intersection of business, design, and tech. From agencies, startups, and fortune500 companies, I am an agile collaborator who strives in dynamic environments where innovation, education, and creative thinking are valued and encouraged.
I am available for freelance opportunities if the project is a good fit.
Design Strategist and creator passionate about finding exciting and engaging ways design can be used to translate ideas into value and how we can merge design into tangible form and function by strengthening creative endeavors that align business goals and objectives.
Full Stack Software Developer passionate about creating the connections and solutions to everyday problems. I’m equally enthusiastic about challenges to the front-end and back-end of web applications and am familiar and proficient with frameworks, libraries, task managers, Javascript, Node.js, Angular.js and more.
Business is the strategy for how to go about solving a problem, and business is human-centered. Technology helps bridge the gap between the two.
I have a strong combination of creative and analytical skills to both create business and marketing plans, as well as analyze them.
Recognizing that complex problems need to be addressed through a multi-faceted approach centered around a user’s touchpoints is what ultimately delivers delight, joy, and inspiration.